
Bird Screaming and The Causes Behind It

white cockatoo screaming

Birds are gorgeous and elegant pets to keep, and they can light up the atmosphere of the household with their activities and the songs that they sing. However, just like any other pets, they come with their shortcomings as well. Birds can be very loud and can be disruptive to the environment, especially if your pet bird is large. It is common for birds to be loud, but is bird screaming normal? Pet birds tend to scream occasionally, but if it is done regularly, then there is always something deep about the cause, and we have to look into it as pet owners.

To learn more about different behavioral issues in birds, click the article Most Common Behavior Problems in Birds.

Causes Behind Bird Screaming

Pet birds can be loud and disturb the entire household as well as your neighbors, and that is the last thing you would want. However, we have to understand that some screaming and noise are natural because they are noisy by nature. They can scream or be noisy when they are trying to communicate with their flock. Birds tend to be noisy in the morning and evening when they see the sunrise as well as the sunset because they are celebrating another day. Birds can also be noisy naturally when they vocalize their throat and even when they sense danger. It is also natural for them to scream when they are away from the flock. These things should be taken into consideration, as it is all part of nature. But there are a ton of other serious reasons behind bird screaming, and we discuss some of these causes.

Extreme Vocalization in Birds

Birds are natural-born singers and mimics, and pet birds do a great job in picking up the sounds of their owners. A Parrot is an excellent example of a mimicking bird. Birds are known to squawk, coo, trill, purr, chuck, chirp, and an array of other noises irrespective of it being a pet bird or a wild one. Birds are pros at learned vocalizations, and they pick up sounds produced in their environment very quickly. The vocalizations always last for a good 15-20 minutes.

Birds also produce other sounds, and screaming is one of them. It is natural for a bird to scream, but this can later develop into a continuous loop. The screaming is natural at first, but it takes a turn for the worst and soon becomes disruptive. A screaming bird will have a different body language as a reaction to being scared or startled. If the screaming continues throughout the day and also every night, then it is best to get it checked at the veterinary.

Fear Can Also Play a Role

Pet owners, in general, aren’t associated with their pets 24×7, and so bird owners do not always check on their pet birds every minute of the day. In situations like this, fear can play a role when they see other pets or animals lurking around them. When a potential predator is seen, birds tend to stalk their predators while pacing. They puff their bodies up to make their physique look bigger and fiercely stares at their enemy. The predator here might be a pet cat or another wild bird passing by. This fear can result in non-stop screaming until the predator or the other pet leaves the environment.

Jealousy Amongst Other Birds

Jealousy is a normal behavior present in every living being on this planet. Bird owners may keep multiple birds, and this can usually be the cause behind a bird screaming. A bird owner may bond faster with one particular bird than the other bird, which can lead to jealousy in the other bird. It can lead to the bird screaming in an unpleasant manner, which can be annoying. It is essential in the owner’s part to provide equal love and care for all the birds and avoid treating them with partiality.

Attention from Their Owners

Birds are naturally active and intelligent animals that need constant exposure to mental activities to maintain their lifestyle and remain healthy. Birds can start screaming when they are bored and lack attention from their owners. This can escalate into other extreme behaviors such as extreme pacing, biting, and picking off their feathers, skin, etc.

The screaming can go from 0 to 100 in a matter of a few minutes if the bird feels like it is not loved or cared enough. However, in situations like this, the owner should not resort to shouting or yelling back at the bird as it will only make the situation worse and cause more screaming. Screaming back at your bird will instill the idea in your bird’s head that you’re encouraging the behavior. It is important to expose your bird to activities of enrichment and mental stimulation, which will reduce this behavior in your birds.

Night Frights in Your Pet Bird

Night Frights is another cause for birds screaming at night and is caused by a sudden noise that may catch them off guard. It can be a person, an animal, or even a truck that might make the noise. Night frights are also caused by the sudden flashing of lights or a simple vibration, which causes birds to scream at night. The sudden protruding ray of light caused by torchlight or the headlights of a car passing through the uncovered cage can cause this issue. It results in birds screaming at night, which may last long and will disturb the entire neighborhood, especially your household, and also wake other birds and pets and cause mayhem. It is important to be consistent in caring for them and also study the episodes to prevent them in the future.

The Medical Issue is a Factor

Screaming bird at night is also a cause of a medical condition pertaining to a lack of nutritional values resulting from a poor dietary plan. It leads to a change in their vocalization and also other behavioral problems. It is important to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian and rule out this issue to stop your bird from screaming. Medical attention is needed as bird screaming can be incredibly disturbing.

The Result of Environmental Changes

A change in the environment can spark this issue. The change may be a family member of the owner, who was a close associate of the pet, had moved to a different city or place. It can also be a family member or the bird owner who had passed away, and it affected the bird. Change can also be the entire household and the pets, including the bird moving into a new neighborhood. All these changes can cause the bird to act crazy and scream.

Loneliness and Boredom as a Factor

Birds, just like any other pets, can be subjected to a ton of changes, and this will affect them in one way or another. Loneliness can arise from the owners leaving for a vacation or just by having a long day at the office, which leaves the bird alone, causing it to scream. Birds can also get easily bored if they lack mentally stimulating activities and if their owner isn’t around much. All these factors can cause the birds to scream in an ill manner.

Lack of Sleep Being an Issue

Pet birds also resort to screaming when they have little or no sleep at all. Lack of sleep can be caused by the unsuitable location of their cage or the noise produced from household activities such as the noise coming from television, home machinery, children screaming, etc. The inappropriate and sudden flashing of lights causes a Lack of sleep. These problems can be the answer to your question of why my bird is screaming.

The Cause of Imitation

Birds are clever animals, and especially when you have them as pets, you can always expect these creatures to be open to a lot of activities. Some owners deal with stress daily, and your pet bird might be imitating your stress, which is causing it to result in screaming. Pet birds can also imitate your screaming, and this is another reason behind bird screaming.

Mating Season is Here

When you have multiple pet birds with pairs at home, then the birds are bound to mate when the season is nearing. During this period, birds are very vocal about their behavior and tend to scream a lot through extreme vocalization. This will affect the quality of your life and also your neighborhood. As owners, we should be patient with this, but if it does not stop, then you have to start taking measures for bird screaming.

Birds and Isolation

Pet birds don’t do well with isolation in any shape or form. They are social butterflies and tend to enjoy human association and activities. Pet birds shouldn’t be kept away from the family activity. It is best to position the birdcage in the middle of the room where most activity takes place. You should also leave the cage door open to create a sense of freedom and avoid the problem of a bird screaming at the door. It is also smart to get a play stand for your pet bird so it can interact with the owner as well as the toys. It will ease the bird screaming.

Result of Daytime Coverage

It is essential to understand that pet birds enjoy human interaction and a sun-kissed atmosphere. If bird owners cover their homes or cages with a cloth, then it will irritate and also suffocate the pet bird. It is advisable to keep the cages well-lit and to avoid covering their homes during the day. However, it is best to cover the cage when night falls, and you’re going to bed. It creates a sense of security at night in doing so, which is important and solves the question mark around “why is my bird screaming.”

Due to Exhaustion and Tiredness

Birds are very social, and they enjoy interactive behavior with their owners and their fellow mates to the fullest. They may be exposed to different activities throughout the day, and this can get exhausting after some time. It is always good to balance out the routine and avoid continuous interaction as it creates a sick environment. It leads to bird screaming.

Composition of the Flock

Change in the flock’s composition causes the bird to scream. Other behavioral issues usually happen when the owner owns multiple birds at the same time, and they live together in harmony. When there is a change, such as separating a bird from a flock or a member of the flock dies, then it becomes hard for the remaining birds to cope with the change in the atmosphere. It will result in abnormal behavior, such as non-stop screaming. Avoid separation to stop the bird from screaming.

The Type of Birds That Screech at Night

What bird screeches at night, and what are the species that stands out the most with this behavior is a good question. Studying these species of birds could provide us more information about their behavior and ways to combat this issue.

Nightingale bird

Nightingale bird, which is present widely in European and Southwest Asian countries, is a bird that screeches a lot at night. They mate in spring, and that is when you hear them the most.

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird is mostly present in countries of Northern America and also on the Caribbean Islands. Male mockingbirds exhibit a louder persona, as well as noise. They are active singers throughout the day and night.


Whip-Poor-Will also goes by the name of the nightjar. They are present mostly in the eastern states of the United States during the start of summer. The birds usually sing once it hits dusk and can sing their lungs out for many hours without getting tired.


Corncrake is present widely from areas of Western Europe to some regions of Siberia. You find them mostly in Eurasia. The birds have a nightly raspy screech, which is easily distinguishable.

Why Won’t My Bird Stop Screaming? Treat Them with These Pet Birds Essentials to Decrease This Behaviour

The Prevue Hendryx Wrought Iron Flight Cage

The Prevue Hendryx Wrought Iron Flight Cage is a Best Seller choice. It can house multiple birds at the same time with its spacious design. It is also effortless to assemble and retails in Amazon.

The Yaheetech 61-Inch Wrought Iron Bird Cage

The Yaheetech 61-Inch Wrought Iron Bird Cage is also an excellent choice for bird owners. It is a safe and secure birdcage that is very durable. It also comes with toys.

The Super Deal Pro Wrought Iron Bird Cage

The Super Deal Pro Wrought Iron Bird Cage is one of the best-selling bird cages. It is very sturdy and secure for birds.

The Bird Perch, Rope Bungee Bird Toy

The Bird Perch, Rope Bungee Bird Toy is a best-selling perch for pet birds. The size is perfect and also reshapable.

The Niteangel Parrot Cage Perch

The Niteangel Parrot Cage Perch is an excellent choice for birds as it keeps them entertained for hours.

The Prevue Pet Products BPV105 Sterilized Natural Coconut Fiber

The Prevue Pet Products BPV105 Sterilized Natural Coconut Fiber is a great bird nest for bird owners to purchase for their pet birds. It is dry, dust-free, and absorbent.

The PIVBY Mating Box

The PIVBY Mating Box made out of strong wood and non-toxic. It is also a durable product, and it retails in Amazon.

The Prevue Hendryx Bird Cage Cover

The Prevue Hendryx Bird Cage Cover help birds cover from all sort of distractions and also helps them sleep soundly. Screaming birds at night will find peace.

The Hersent Large Bird Cage Cover

The Hersent Large Bird Cage Cover has a material that is exceptionally durable and has a premium feel to it. It is large and does a great job of covering cages.

The Kaytee CritterTrail Bedding Trays

The Kaytee CritterTrail Bedding Trays provides neat and cozy bedding. It is also disposable and recyclable without any issue.

The MagJo Pet Excelsior Aspen Shaving Nesting Liners

The MagJo Pet Excelsior Aspen Shaving Nesting Liners offers comfortable bedding. It also comes with six-packs and retails in Amazon.


Bird owners around the world understand how exciting and hard it can be at the same time to keep this classy and beautiful pets. Birds are clever animals and can easily understand and follow instructions. Still, it gets difficult at times to manage them when they adopt behavior problems, which causes them to scream and act indifferent.

Bird screaming can get annoying if it does not stop, and this can be triggered by a ton of daily activities around them and also changes within the environment. It can get noisy and affect the quality of your life as well as your other pets and neighbors. It is smart to study their behavior and try tackling this issue by yourself.

However, if things aren’t working and they escalate, then it is always advisable to take your pet bird to the veterinary as it can be a medical issue. Pet bird owners shouldn’t scream back or punish their birds in situations like this as it will only encourage them and make the matter worse. Owners should also study their behavior to maintain a better relationship with their pets.

To learn more about different behavioral issues in birds, click the article Most Common Behavior Problems in Birds.