
Cat with Urinary Infection and How to Treat Them

cat with urinary infection

Urinary tract infection is a common type of disease that affects human beings as well as animals. Urinary tract infection is painful and can prove to be fatal if it is left untreated with medical assistance. Cats, just like any other animals, also face this issue with their health. It is evident from the increasing amount of pet owners seeking medical assistance at the veterinary with their cats. A cat with a urinary infection needs the attention of the vet at the earliest.

Cats tend to behave in a weird way when they are diagnosed with urinary infection. They tend to sway away from their litter box and start peeing in unwanted areas of the house, such as the corners of the wall or behind the sofas. Another warning sign could include the fact that they have trouble urinating. It is always advisable to take a ride to the veterinary once you notice signs of stress and behavioral problems with your cat.

Cats, in general, are kept outside or at the pet shelter most of the time as a result of peeing at the wrong places. If your cat is distancing herself from the litter box, then it is always a dead giveaway sign. Sometimes it can just be a behavioral issue or its lack of interest for the litter box. However, it is always advisable to seek medical aid before you make other assumptions.

Understanding What FLUTD is

A cat with a urinary infection draws this sickness from a disease called “FLUTD.” The abbreviation stands for Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease and is the underlying issue surrounding this problem. It is known as a multitude of disorders that takes a toll on the lower tract of the cat’s urinary bladder. The disease is diagnosed after cases such as UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) as well as kidney stones. FLUTD arises when there are crystals and kidney stones within the bladder. It also occurs when infections are surrounding their bladder. The presence of an obstruction in the urethra or just an inflammation within the urinary bladder is enough to cause this problem. However, there are also other forms of abnormalities that are a leading cause for FLUTD.

Signs Your Cat Has Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

There is an array of symptoms associated with FLUTD, but some of the signs you should look out for the cat with urinary tract infection symptoms are listed and discussed right below:

Forceful urination Being a Factor

One common symptom associated with FLUTD is the act of forceful urination. A condition called Feline Idiopathic Cystitis causes the cats to strain while they urinate. Another term for this is called “Feline Interstitial Cystitis.” The straining can lead to other issues, such as the development of a urethral plug and the emergence of bladder stones. It is a serious problem as it can cause the cat to lose its ability to urinate if it is left untreated.

Recurring Attempts on Urination

This is another highlighted sign, which shows traces of FLUTD. Cats suffering from FLUTD will have the urge to pee frequently. However, the cat passes only a small amount of urine as the infection obstruct the bladder from passing the pee. This is a common issue, which is also seen in human beings with UTIs having the constant need to make a trip to the bathroom for passing a small amount of urine.

Cleaning the Genital Parts

In cases of FLUTD, Cats tend to lick their private parts as well as areas of the abdomen to ease the pain. Licking the wounds will ease the pain caused by the urinary infection. A cat with urinary infection faces this common issue first-hand.

Urination Outside Their Litter Box

Cats diagnosed with FLUTD start adopting behavioral issues. They pee in unwanted or inappropriate corners of the house instead of the litter box. They distance themselves from the litter box and pees straight on the wall or small corners of the house. Sometimes it can just be the cat not grow fond of its litter box, but for the most parts, it is the effect of FLUTD.

Irritability in Their Behaviour

When cats suffer from urinary tract infection, and they are unable to pee properly, they tend to get irritated fast. The straining, accompanied by the pain, causes them to act indifferent and moody.

Hematuria in Cats

Hematuria or blood in the urine of cats is a major symptom of a urinary tract infection. It happens with an infection or an obstruction within the urinary tract. A cat with urinary infection usually faces this issue on the regular.

Cry for Help

Diagnosis of FLUTD can result in painful passing of urination, which will cause the cat to cry out of pain and strain. This is usually a dead giveaway that the cat’s urinary tract is infected.

Causes of The Urinary Tract Infection in Cats

Accumulation of Particles in the Bladder

Urinary tract infection can arise when debris and stones, including crystals, form, or make their way inside the urethra or bladder of the cat. This can cause an obstruction in the urinary tract and lead to infection resulting from blockage and accumulation.

Formation of Urethral Plug

Urinary tract infection can also arise from the formation of urethral plugs. It consists of mucous protein, formed crystals, and cellular debris of soft and solidified nature. The infection takes place when there is an inflammation around the lining of the bladder.

Incontinence Amongst Cats

This can be caused by a weak or impaired bladder, which can cause abnormal behavior in urination. A presence of some obstruction in the urinary tract is also a major cause of incontinence in the urination of cats.

Cause of Stress in Cats

Fear, anxiety, and stress is a common problem in human beings and the same goes for cats and other animals as well. Building up of stress can lead to urinary tract infections and other problems as well. A cat with a urinary infection usually possesses all these issues.

Tumour in the Urinary Tract

Another major issue surrounding the urinary tract infection in cats is the formation of tumors within the urinary tract. There are many types, but a common one is TCC or Transitional Cell Carcinoma, which is a cancerous tumor. If it is left untreated, the tumor will grow and blocks the urinary tract and cause further spread of tumors in other organs of the body.

Spinal Cord Condition

Urinary tract infection in cats is also caused by spinal cord problems such as Intervertebral disk sickness, which is a sickness of the spinal column. It concludes in the compaction of the spinal cord and nerves. However, this problem is rare in cats. The disease spreads with each passing time.

How You Can Easily Cure the Infection Without the Assistance of the Veterinary

When your cats suffer from FLUTD or other conditions, it is always best to take them straight to the vet. Still, sometimes, to cure or prevent these issues, you can come up with cat urinary tract infection home remedies for cat urinary tract infection recovery.

Hydration is the Key

Even though feeding water is the last thing you would want to do to your cat, it is a brilliant idea. Feeding water and hydrating your cat will wash the infection out from the bladder. Besides, staying hydrated will also eradicate other health issues associated with your cat. It is smart to keep the bowl filled with water or even going to the extent of buying a water fountain if it fits your budget. You can also replace dry cat foods with wet foods or just food in general with a lot of moisture for a temporary cause. The vitamins, as well as the minerals along with the moisture, will help eliminate the infection.

Non-Prescription Cat Food

It is safe to switch to Non-prescription cat food for urinary crystals and change their dietary plan as long as you are cautious of not including store brands and other discount rated products. Brands don’t play that big of a part, but the addition of water in your feline’s diet is more important to get rid of bacterial infection. It is always smart to add more moisture to the cat’s food and abstain from giving dry meals. Canned cat food with good quality is an excellent choice as it contains over 75% of moisture in the food. A diet of raw food is also a great choice as long as you add water before serving it.

Increase the Level of Acidity

Acidic foods can go miles in wiping off the bacteria, causing the infection in the urinary tract of your cat. There are numerous foods of such types, but Cranberry juice is a great choice to fight the infection. Your feline-like most cats won’t be a fan of the cranberry juice, and so it is smart to mix it in the food. The cranberry juice will make it hard for the bacteria to stick on the walls of the urinary tract and will be flushed out when the cat starts peeing.

Addition of Vitamin C Tablets

Bacteria find it harder to stay in the cat’s system when the immune system is healthy. Vitamin C tablets are also a great source of medicine to kill the bacteria by strengthening the immune system. Tablets consisting of 500 milligrams of dosage will do the trick. You can break the tablet in half and sprinkle half on the wet food by crushing it and keep the other half of 250 milligrams for the next meal. However, it is advisable not to feed the tablets for more than three times in a row.

Add Coconut Oil to Their Diet Plan

Coconut oil should be inserted in the dietary plan of your feline to boost its metabolism and eradicate bacterial infection. It has a lot of health benefits for your cat such as protection of your cat’s skin, prevention of hairballs, aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, chronic illness, pancreas health, livers health and most importantly to boost the immune system, which in turn will get rid of bacterial infection in the urinary tract. Coconut oil for cat urinary tract infection is a must-have in your pet’s diet.

Shower Your Cat with Platonic Love

If your cat is diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, then it is normal for them to pee on inappropriate places, which might upset you. However, it is important to understand and show them the love they need to make the atmosphere less painful. If you treat them in a negative manner, then the recovery of your feline will take even longer. It is important to be patient and positive during this time.

Pet Products

You can also go the extra mile for your feline by getting some products to pamper it. You can purchase “Dr. Elsey’s Ultra,” which is the best cat litter in the market right now sold in Amazon. The “YOUTHINK Cat Scratcher” is also one of the best toys you can get for your feline. This can aid your cat with urinary infection.

What Is Antibiotic Used for Cat Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary tract infections are more common in older cats than young cats as a result of aging, renal failure, and other diseases. There are cat urinary tract infection antibiotics to cure the sickness by eliminating the bacteria present in the urinary tract. These antibiotics include:

Amoxicillin & Ampicillin

These are antibiotics that work excellently in eradicating the bacterial infection. Amoxicillin works effectively on cats in comparison to Ampicillin. The antibiotic is taken in a smaller dosage. Ampicillin is usually affected by feeding, which reduces absorption.

Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid

It works effectively against gram-negative infection of bacteria due to the presence of clavulanic acid. It is an excellent antibiotic for treating Urinary tract infections on cats and other animals as well.

Cefadroxil & Cephalexin

Cefadroxil is a veterinary-based medicine, but Cephalexin is usable both for human beings as well as animals. This is non-toxic and is usable on cats to treat urinary tract infections.


This drug is suited especially for skin infections, but it can also be used for urinary tract infections as well. It is convenient for cats with urinary infection.


This drug is also suited for skin infections, but it also works well in curing urinary tract infections in cats. It works just as well as Cefovecin in aiding cat with urinary infection.


This is an injectable drug that is usable for an array of sicknesses and is also an excellent antibiotic for cats in cases of UTIs.


This drug is very effective on gram-positive as well as bacteria of gram-negative. It is used widely in human beings as well as animals for its antimicrobial characteristics. It is an excellent drug for treating cats with UTIs.


This drug is also used to treat UTIs in animals as well as human beings. However, there are certain limitations in its use as a medicine for Urinary tract infection.


This drug is suited for human beings in cases of UTIs as a result of the low level of distribution. It can be in the form of capsules, suspension of pediatrics, and tablets for consumption. It is not suited for food-producing within animals. However, it is usable in smaller animals such as cats and dogs for its antimicrobial characteristics. The rates are increasing with each passing time.

Tetracyclines & Doxycycline

This drug is bacteriostatic, which means it stops bacteria from reproducing. It is an atmospheric drug, which consists of a high level of distribution. However, Doxycycline is better suited for cats because of the level of tolerance.


This drug is a combination of two bacteriostatic drugs. Trimethoprim is a basic drug possessing a high level of distribution but has a limited life. Whereas, Sulfonamides are acidic drugs possessing a medium level of distribution and an extended lifeline.

You won’t be mentioning “My cat keeps getting urinary tract infection” if you take proper care through the right medication and measures. Cats should be treated in a conventional manner of antimicrobial antibiotics for ten to fourteen days. Cat urinary tract infection recovery may require four to six weeks to heal if it is chronic. Testing of urine should be done after four to seven days of therapy to check if there is efficacy. At the end of antimicrobial therapy, it is advisable to culture the urine to check if there are any bacteria or infection left.

Crystals in Cat Urine Home Remedies

Present in the urinary tract does not always hold urgent medical attention or assistance. Crystals are present in cats and also other pets naturally. However, there are cases when these crystals end up blocking the urinary tract and further develop into stones that cause pain to the cat through straining in urination. Some veterinarians are licensed, and they can only tell if the cat needs medical assistance. Different treatment protocols are depending on the case of the cats. Samples of urine should be tested for pH. The crystals can be in the form of Calcium oxalate and struvite.

It is always advisable to get your feline treated at the veterinary instead of remedial home steps. However, there is always a safe and natural way of handling your feline’s situation with natural remedies such as herbs.


This herb is highly beneficial for cats when they have blood in their urine and helps eliminate infection caused by crystals. This should be included in the cat’s diet.

Corn Silk

The Cornsilk, besides being a fantastic remedy for preventing bed-wetting, also possesses the healing power of curing UTIs caused by crystals.


This is best suited for acute infections left by crystals and other bacteria.


This is an excellent remedy for curing inflammation and irritability caused within the urinary tract of the cats. It soothes and provides relief to the feline.

Uva Ursi

This herb is an excellent cleanser for kidney and bladder infections. The anti-septic characteristic of the herb heals the bacterial urinary tract and offers relief.


It has a natural accord to the genitourinary tract. It is a natural diuretic, which does an excellent job of cleaning the bacteria-infested urinary tract. This is an excellent remedy for cats.


FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease is a common form of urinary problem or sickness that occurs at least once or twice a year with cats. There are several causes behind this disease that may expose the cat to a ton of behavioral issues. This issue is caused by the formation of crystals that turn into stones as well as different types of bacteria residing within the urinary tract of the feline. It is always advisable to see a vet if you notice changes in the behavior of your cat.

However, it is also smart to resort to a healthy diet that will prevent or even heal the infection. There is also an array of antibiotics available at the veterinary that will ease the pain of your feline. It is essential to keep track of the dosage and if better results are showing from the therapy. Antimicrobial therapy at the veterinary will do its due diligence of curing this painful sickness bestowed upon your cat.